
Showing posts from November, 2020


 Good Day Readers,  Happy thanksgiving to our American followers and Happy Black Friday to the rest of the world.  Today we'd be taking a detour from discussing stocks to explaining what "risk appetite" really is. According to wikipedia, RISK APPETITE is the level of risk that an organisation or person is prepared to accept in pursuit of its objectives. In lay man terms, it is the level of risk you are willing to take in pursuit of your ROI (return on investment). When trying to determine your risk appetite with investments, it is very important to note the various of levels of risk listed below; Low Risk - The goal here is just to secure your investment as the return on the investment is not so important to you as getting back your principal. Under this level of risk are treasury bills, money market, Mutual Funds amongst other government backed investments. Medium Risk - People with this risk attitude or objective in mind just want to grow their income. It is important...

Let's Talk Pharma

 Hi Guys, Last day of the week already... "Whoop Whoop!!!" Hope you all liked last week's post and remembered to share it. If you missed it,  HERE is the link again.  Straight into the business of today; PHARMACEUTICAL STOCKS. Alongside Tech, Pharma is also experiencing a boom in share prices due to the current situation of the world. As the world remains in a limbo as to how and when the Covid-19 pandemic would be over, we (world) have set our gaze on the Pharmaceutical sector to help us by creating a vaccine to help combat the virus.  A host of Pharma companies have received not just government grants but also investments for rich private bodies and individuals to help with their research for a Covid-19 vaccine. Below are a list of Pharma companies whose share price have benefited from the sudden benevolence;  BioNTech and Pfizer -  Although independent companies, they have decided to come together to develop a vaccine which has already passed the testi...

Stocks To Watch

 Good Day Guys, I would have loved to go in-depth in trying to explain the US stock market but that would be for a later post.  The year 2020 has been a very trying one for each and everyone of us one way or the other. For some they have won and for others they've lost. To people who have lost, 'Kashama Dupe' (Let's just thank God) we are alive and well. In the face of the many depleting world economies, some firms have stayed winning because they have not just shown resilience but also shown that they are indeed the future and many of these firms are in the technological sector.  Firms like Zoom, Microsoft, Apple, Slack amongst many others have seen their stock price rise and profit hit an all time high due to the changes in the world caused by COVID.  Working from home is the new norm and every organisation around the world has had to adjust to this to stay afloat thus making web and internet based applications like Zoom, Microsoft (Teams especially), Slack and eve...


 Good Day Guys, Principal Financial Advisor is a page which would be used as a platform to discuss varying international financial topics and how world events shape them. It would serve as a guide for people looking to invest in different aspects of the financial market and also educate them on how to go about it. PFA aims to educate people on the key features of finance and how they can make more money by channeling their risk appetite appropriately.  It is important to note that all financial advice given on this blog would not in any way be adverts to promote a financial service, rather they would be financial advise already tested and trusted by various members of our investment team. We look forward to having you on this journey with US and we advise to subscribe to our newsletter so you would always be alerted when we post new content as some of the investment opportunities to be posted would be time based. Warm Regards, Our Own Personal Financial Times.