Let's Talk Pharma

 Hi Guys,

Last day of the week already... "Whoop Whoop!!!" Hope you all liked last week's post and remembered to share it. If you missed it, HERE is the link again. 

Straight into the business of today; PHARMACEUTICAL STOCKS. Alongside Tech, Pharma is also experiencing a boom in share prices due to the current situation of the world. As the world remains in a limbo as to how and when the Covid-19 pandemic would be over, we (world) have set our gaze on the Pharmaceutical sector to help us by creating a vaccine to help combat the virus. 

A host of Pharma companies have received not just government grants but also investments for rich private bodies and individuals to help with their research for a Covid-19 vaccine. Below are a list of Pharma companies whose share price have benefited from the sudden benevolence; 

  • BioNTech and Pfizer -  Although independent companies, they have decided to come together to develop a vaccine which has already passed the testing stage as is currently the vaccine UK government is ready to administer to its population come December 2020. This companies stocks is one to buy, especially BioNTech being the smaller of the parties and the one handling the production of the vaccine. Pfizer is only going to handle distribution.
  • Moderna - This is another Pharma company who has enjoyed seed from private individuals to aid their vaccine research. They alongside BioNTech would likely be the go to organisation by America. 
  • Novavax - The company which recorded the highest amount of funds ever invested by the US government into a company. We are yet to hear anything concrete as regards their progress on the vaccine but they also cannot be written off. 
  • AstraZeneca - They are a global biopharmaceutical company who partnered with Oxford University for their vaccine research. Although their vaccine is not out and doesn't have any forecast date to when it would be ready, the only news is that their vaccine shows more promise with the elderly population of the world.
  • Cytodyn
  • Gliead Sciences or Remdesivir - Remdesivir medicine is already in stores as it is used to prevent HIV (Not sure) but on the 1st of May, it was approved as an emergency drug for Covid-19 patients in America
  • GlaxoSmithKline
  • Heat Biologics
The above are just a few Pharma companies to look out for on the stock market. Please note that we have other Pharma companies who are concerned with Covid Vaccine also doing very well.

Next Friday is another day;

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Our Very Own Financial Times.


  1. Nice one , but do you have better apps or link where ppl can buy the stocks from?

    1. At the moment you can trade in stocks by either using private brokers or doing it yourself with the aid of applications such as Invest Bamboo, Trove, Chaka amongst many others.

  2. Great...but you do realise that one's there's a better vaccine (at least 99% curable) the stock is high, which brings others ridiculously low...so you still advice to buy or sell immediately there is a better one

    1. You are very right Dayo but I envisage with the amount of Pharma companies out and about proving the efficiency of their different vaccines we are bound to have a controlled market governed by price. Covid as we all know is not going away anytime soon and would probably just be like Malaria. When you get it, you go the store and buy a vaccine (Medicine) you can afford. So a particular company proving 99% curable rate does not spell doom for others in any way. I would also advise that before you purchase stocks of the any of the Pharma companies, you shouldn't base it on just the Covid-19 vaccine but also on the base production or activity of the company. For example, Gilead Sciences are into production of HIV drugs, GSK are very well known for production of a lot of other drugs which are thriving in the world today.


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