Good Day Readers, 

Happy New Year!!

This is officially the first post of the year 2021 and sorry it is coming late. The beginning of the year has been very wonderful and we cannot wait to roll out the plans for the new year for you'll to start enjoying.

Today we would be discussing on 'Investment in the new year'. When it comes to investment, a lot of factors have to be considered such as;

  • Investors Risk Appetite - We have discussed this on the blog before and we would like to reiterate again, your risk appetite determines what sort of investment you can go for. Here is the link to read about it again.
  •  Investors Age -  Surprising but very true, we cannot advise someone in their 40's and 50's to do the same investment as someone in their 20's or 30's. In your 20's you can take higher risks, in your 40's you have to reduce your risk appetite cause you have to consider your immediate family commitments and in your 50's when you are saving for your future after retirement your risk appetite towards investments should be the barest minimum.
  • Amount of money looking to be invested - Whatever amount you are looking to invest use to be very important but with the aid of crowd funding services springing up you need not dwell too much on this. All you have to do is find a trusted crowd funding financial management firm to pitch your tent with.
  • What the money is for - Before investing, it is best to weight your investment options and the risk involved with what the money actually is for. For example, your children's school fees should be put in a low risk investment plan and one you have easy access to.

We are sure some of the factors listed above seemed weird until properly broken down but none of the factors must be left unconsidered this new year. The above is for those who are new to investments but if you are an oldie we advise you review your investment accounts to see if their is any you want to stop or focus better on.

In other news (old though but for those who do not know), Elon Musk is now the world's richest man. The tech giant is the CEO of the famous electric car company Tesla whose share price went up by over 70% in December. 

TIP - NIO is a fast growing Chinese electric car company which we advise everyone to jump on now. It is believed in the automobile space that if any company is to rival Tesla in the long run it is NIO. 

SQUARE is another stock to watch out for in 2021. They are the biggest produces of card readers which helps sellers accept contactless card, chip credit cards, Apple Pay and Google Pay. 

That is all for this week. 

Till the next post;

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